Thursday, March 5, 2009

Minor aches and pains

I ran my four miler on Tuesday and my hamstrings were sore yesterday. Probably due to going a bit hard and finishing at a 11:40 pace. Sad, yes, but that's my brisk pace now. Felt very good afterward and thought I was fine, but as soon as I sat down on the sofa, went straight to nap for twenty minutes or so. What a show!

Decided to walk as my cross training instead of hitting the machines. I've heard that the body will adjust to increased stress, but trying to avoid injury as well. Going to try and run at the brisk pace again today for the three miler and gear up for my long run on Saturday. Lots of water is in store before and after the run so I can avoid anything tightening up. Well, besides my belly, that is.

Have a good time in DC, Steph! Walk lots so you'll get some exercise.


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