Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Steady and climbing

I now use my HR monitor as a guide to how fast I'll run.

I just can't run any slower than 170bpm (is that unhealthy?) I'll chalk that up to me being really out of shape. I feel good after my runs and I can definitely talk if I need to do so.
Today's pace for the four mile run was 11:30. I think I'm running at a consistent pace as I ran 10:00 for the two mile, 11:00 for the three mile. Definitely feel like I can go faster but I'm trying to keep my bpm steady.

My race day strategy is to run at a consistent pace (whatever it may be that day) and go hard for the last mile as I know I'll be able to finish at that point. I'm hoping to irritate a bunch of runners by passing them by at a lightning pace. Hahaha.... I'm such an idiot at times. But that's why you love me, right Steph?

Steph, please leave yourself some time so you can rreellaaxx. Don't be afraid, I'm giving you permission. Much love from ATL!!!


Monday, February 23, 2009


Hey Yosh!
Oh my gosh! You are the first person I am communicating with via blog via internet!
I am so flippin' excited! Can you  believe I actually have internet now? Now all I need is a desk and a chair. I am on the ground right now,, and I am trying to maintain good and proper posture. All the vertebrae in alignment!
I have not run since thurs. I have been running "around like a chicken with his head cut off" does that count?
I have been so busy, I am going to AK seminar both sat and sun ALL DAY for more learning.. Like that grammar?
To Learn more....
Anyway, I have been working out and doing weights, circuit and Bikram 4x a week. But my mileage sucks!
I will run tomorrow 60 min and thurs and sun 60 minutes!
But no where near doing the 7-10 milers yet.
I need to put aside "me" time" and not try to do all these things that I can't possibly do right now.
I need to be PRESENT!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Be like a terrapin

I used my heart rate monitor for the first time yesterday and I realized that I was training waaay to fast.

I am clearly out of shape as my HR averaged 167 for the three miles. I pulled back from my regular pace so I could lower my rate and I wouldn't have my heart explode. Steph, I am going to try another method to analyze my max. HR. I would do squats for 3-minutes and record my HR at the end. Rest 5 minutes. Then do step-ups for 3-minutes and take a second per step up/down. Record HR at the end then average the two numbers to get the max. rate. I'll let you know the results and see if it makes a difference.

We are having another friend visiting from out-of-town but I'll make sure to get the run out of the way early in the morning. Like I said, I'm getting worried about my ability to finish the race. I don't want the paddywagon to pick me up for lagging on the race course.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

heart rate monitor

Hey there!
I am spending the night at my mom and dad's and staying in the yummy bed cuz we are going to Bikram at 6am tomorrow in costa mesa so we have to wake up at 5;15...
Anyway, you take your age mine: (38-180) whatever that is.... hahaha i have mercury and lead in my liver from my water and my mac lipstick. Anyway, it's 142... so that should be my average. I add ten points when i am training at my hardest and of course I can hit up to 180 when sprinting and going up hills... But my AVERAGE should be from 142-152. I add ten since I am training. It you are sick or pregnant then you minus ten. But that is NOT the case...
The HR monitor should be used all the time. Long distance and short.
EVen while weight training. If you do it right you should be at your average.
Gels? I have to muscle test and see which are best.
AVOID anything with CORN sugar. It causes adrenal hyperfunction and will cause shin splints, acihilles tendon strain or calf pulls and foot injury.
NO CORN, cornsugar, no maltodextrin or dextrose or corn oil///
Any derivatives of corn.
Okay, going to sleep

Lazy but eventful weekend

Dang it, I got caught!

You're right, Steph. Our friend was in town from DC and we ate and drank the entire time. Not only that, I missed my long run on Saturday and I'm starting to feel nervous about my 10-miler. I hope that I can finish....

I'm glad you're liking this forum. I did buy a HR so now I have some questions.
1. How do I know the range I'm supposed to run (bpm)? I plan on running a mile then taking a minute walk before I start my next mile.
2. Is it more important for short runs than long ones when I'm trying to just complete the miles? If so, then refer to question no.1

I'm also playing with the idea of ingesting those gel foods while racing. Not sure if that's even necessary but I will be running longer than an hour and a half.


Monday, February 16, 2009

feeling old

Yes- So I am feeling really old when I have to ask my cousin and my little brother, Yoshi, how to sign on and post a comment. That's pretty bad huh?
Well, now that I know how to do it, I like doing it! I miss having the time and the connection that the internet provides.
I went to the gym during lunch and totally forgot that it was a holiday. The Gym was packed! Plus it was pouring down rain so bad that my entire gym bag was soaked by the time I entered the gym and i even had an umbrella!
What the heck is up with this rain?
I like it when I am at home and don't have to venture outside. But it definitely derails my training.
Anyway, I did the step mill for 30 minutes and did interval training no stopping for rests just powering out the front side and back side muscles. Heart rate stayed at 150-168 throughout the weight training, which is technically 20 points higher than what i am supposed to be at as a Blood Type A. I am supposed to be at 135-145 but I can barely jaunt and keep it that low...
My BP is back down to 116/67 (that's what it was before I started the chiropractic curriculum... Anyway, I am running on the treadmill if it doesn't let up.
I need to do more hills.
Anyone want to do a Black's Beach run? There are some nice hills there.


how can we make it so Lar and Kimiko and others only post comments about their training on the blog? I can't manage all the other stuff. I have no time to read everything. I can barely get online to check my emails!


Yo Yosh!
What's up. I am sittin here waiting for my next patient... Ho Hum, It's raining so everyone is running late. It has been raining off and on for the past week. I haven't ran on the beach in a week! I have been doing interval training up and down hills and I did 4 seesion of 90 minute Bikram Yoga this past week and I feel FANTASTIC! I forgot how much I LOVE Bikram.
You sweat out all those nasty toxins. Skin feels good and rejuvenated & my frustration dwindles al little (hallelujah!) Greg LOVES that aspect of it.
So, we are going to DC march 4-8 for the triplets 40th bdy! Wish you were going to be there.
Haven't seen you blog for a while so was it a slacker weekend? Or like me and too busy to get online? I like this thing. I still havent got internet. Gonna call COX to get internet and cable now...
I am going to the gym at lunch and do my interval weight training with 30 minutes of the stair climber thing where you actually climb up the stairs (no stiarmaster cheat machine) you sweat alot cuz you fire up ALL your lower extremity muscles.
Good fort he booty too. Us asians always need to work on that to defy the stereotype. You and my brother dont though, u guys have the shelf booty like Melissa. hahahaha

Friday, February 13, 2009


yes!! Get the Polar heart rate monitor. It is THE best and the most cost effective. I recommend the one that runs 89 dollars. the other one is 20 bucks cheaper, but doesn't have all the breakdowns, averages and weekly totals that mine has.
Monitoring the heart is a great way to see how you are improving, and also you cna calculate week by week your total miles run, total caloric expenditure, etc..
If you knees hurt, Note To Self: WHAT DID YOU EAT THAT DAY?
The knees is a gallbladder muscle. Inside of the knee can be adrenal related which you probably have both!!
No corn, wheat or dairy.
Those will blow you out.
Opt for Ezekiel, Spelt, Manna, Brown rice for your carb options!!
No one eats Wheat anymore....


Hey there Yosh!
Thanks for telling me how to blog. Not knowing how to blog makes me feel old. Like how I used to make fun of my mom for not knowing how to check her voicemails!!
Anyway, I have been doing the Bikram Yoga 4 times a week and it has been raining here in sunny california off and on for one week now!
I run when it's sunny your basic 60 minute interval training, but I don't feel as strong as I normally do.
My ability to run more than 5 miles is not as euphoric as it once was... I am puzzled.
I think I don't enjoy it as much because I am always trying to rush my workout because I have fifty other things I should be doing.
It's hard for me to remember to do things for myself.
That's why yesterday I had a nice valentines day early. We went to Bikram Yoga and had a GREAT class and then got one hour foot relexology at this new place my friend Jaime recommended in Irvine, MAJESTIC SPA and it was only 30 bucks!
We are going to make this our Thursday date day.
I felt great!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The aches

I started back up and just went too hard at the track.
I ran way faster than my usual splits per quarter mile and blew a gasket at 1-3/4 mile mark. My knee was tweaking and I had to call it quits. So sad :(

My mind had something else in mind and the body didn't follow the master plan.

I'm going to save up so I can buy a heart monitor that Steph swears by. I think Polar is the type that she recommended. I hope to have it for a month and a half before race day so I can maximize my workout.

It's my cross-training day so I hope my knee doesn't act up on the bike. Cross your fingers for me.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Finally breathing

It has been a battle but I've beat the cold and stuffy nose.

Been slacking with the training but hopping back on today with stretch and strengthen. I've got to start out slowly so I don't get injured. I feel like a caged animal ready to get out!!!

All the Super Bowl parties and socials have added a nice plumpness to my face. It was fun while it lasted. Steph has mentioned time and time again, limit alcohol intake. That'll be my two-week goal and see if I'm on track to complete my training at the end of two months.