Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lazy but eventful weekend

Dang it, I got caught!

You're right, Steph. Our friend was in town from DC and we ate and drank the entire time. Not only that, I missed my long run on Saturday and I'm starting to feel nervous about my 10-miler. I hope that I can finish....

I'm glad you're liking this forum. I did buy a HR so now I have some questions.
1. How do I know the range I'm supposed to run (bpm)? I plan on running a mile then taking a minute walk before I start my next mile.
2. Is it more important for short runs than long ones when I'm trying to just complete the miles? If so, then refer to question no.1

I'm also playing with the idea of ingesting those gel foods while racing. Not sure if that's even necessary but I will be running longer than an hour and a half.


1 comment:

  1. hi senior citizens!! j/k :)
    just wanted to commment that y'all are doing great, and it sounds like the training is going well! i know you will both meet the goals you place for yourself. steph, don't sweat the small stuff. the 50 things that you need to get done will get done eventually...inhale...exhale...don't forget to breathe!!! :)
    love you both,
