Monday, February 23, 2009


Hey Yosh!
Oh my gosh! You are the first person I am communicating with via blog via internet!
I am so flippin' excited! Can you  believe I actually have internet now? Now all I need is a desk and a chair. I am on the ground right now,, and I am trying to maintain good and proper posture. All the vertebrae in alignment!
I have not run since thurs. I have been running "around like a chicken with his head cut off" does that count?
I have been so busy, I am going to AK seminar both sat and sun ALL DAY for more learning.. Like that grammar?
To Learn more....
Anyway, I have been working out and doing weights, circuit and Bikram 4x a week. But my mileage sucks!
I will run tomorrow 60 min and thurs and sun 60 minutes!
But no where near doing the 7-10 milers yet.
I need to put aside "me" time" and not try to do all these things that I can't possibly do right now.
I need to be PRESENT!

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