Tuesday, February 17, 2009

heart rate monitor

Hey there!
I am spending the night at my mom and dad's and staying in the yummy bed cuz we are going to Bikram at 6am tomorrow in costa mesa so we have to wake up at 5;15...
Anyway, you take your age mine: (38-180) whatever that is.... hahaha i have mercury and lead in my liver from my water and my mac lipstick. Anyway, it's 142... so that should be my average. I add ten points when i am training at my hardest and of course I can hit up to 180 when sprinting and going up hills... But my AVERAGE should be from 142-152. I add ten since I am training. It you are sick or pregnant then you minus ten. But that is NOT the case...
The HR monitor should be used all the time. Long distance and short.
EVen while weight training. If you do it right you should be at your average.
Gels? I have to muscle test and see which are best.
AVOID anything with CORN sugar. It causes adrenal hyperfunction and will cause shin splints, acihilles tendon strain or calf pulls and foot injury.
NO CORN, cornsugar, no maltodextrin or dextrose or corn oil///
Any derivatives of corn.
Okay, going to sleep

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